Meet a Staff Member: Beck Snyder

Yellow Arrow Publishing would like to introduce editorial associate Beck Snyder (she/they). Beck, a Yellow Arrow intern in fall 2022 and spring 2023, is a recent graduate of Towson University and is currently figuring out where they’re going in life. When they’re not knee-deep in their own writing endeavors, you can usually find them playing video games, reading, or making stupid jokes with their friends. You can find them in the tiny town of Clear Spring, Maryland, on Instagram @real_possiblyawesome or on Twitter @PossiblyAwesom if you’d like to hear the thoughts that pop into their head at three in the morning.

Beck says, “I am super excited to read all the submissions that come in for the journals and other publications. The pieces we get at Yellow Arrow are always incredible and it’s so much fun to read them all (even if it gets pretty hard deciding who to [publish])!”

Tell us a little something about yourself:

The first award I ever won for writing was in first grade where I wrote a spin on The Cat in the Hat for a Dr. Seuss week contest. I still have the Fox-in-Socks plushie that was the prize.

What do you love most where you live?

I live in a small town in Washington County, and I love the fact that it’s a very walkable place and that I know so many people within the community. It feels much more tight knit than other places I’ve visited before.

How did you get involved with Yellow Arrow and what do you do?

I got involved with Yellow Arrow through their internship program and then loved the mission so much that I wanted to stick around and help them put together their amazing publications. I’m really glad to have the opportunity to read and edit the fantastic submissions all of the amazing writers send in!

What are you working on currently?

I’ve currently got a fiction novel of my own in the works, and aside from that, I’m looking into getting a job and moving out since I just graduated college in May of 2023. Real life’s coming at me fast, and I’m doing my best to meet it head on!

What genre do you write (or read) the most and why?

I adore fiction. Something about getting to create your own entire world, put a spin on this one, or dive into the worlds [that] others have created is so fascinating and exciting to me. I love character writing especially, and getting to explore different situations through the eyes of people who are very different from me but also relatable.

What book is on the top of your to-be-read pile?

Right now, I have my eye on Six of Crows, as many of my friends have read and loved it and also have been watching/loving the show!

Who is your favorite writer and why?

Rick Riordan. I think his comedic style of writing and well-paced adventures are incredibly entertaining, and he has incredibly strong character writing that makes every character memorable, no matter how small. I also admire his drive to constantly add more diversity to his books, and his dedication to make sure that all representation is well-thought-out and well researched, instead of just attempting to throw in minority characters haphazardly for diversity points.

Who has inspired and/or supported you most in your writing journey?

There are countless people who have supported and inspired me on my writing journey, but the one who comes to mind most often is my fourth grade teacher, Ms. Thomas. She encouraged me to submit my writing to competitions and was the first person in my life who made me feel like this whole writing thing could be something I was really good at. I’m honestly not sure if I would have recognized writing as a passion of mine if it hadn’t been for her.

What do you love most about writing?

It can often be the hardest part, but taking something that exists only in your mind and putting it on the page to where other people can read it and see what you’re seeing is something I love about writing. I love being able to share all the crazy adventures in my mind with the people around me.

What advice do you have for new writers?

Do not fear the terrible first draft! First drafts are made specifically to just get ideas on the page to be refined later. I’m a perfectionist myself and often struggle with the temptation to try and make everything I write perfect the first time around, but that’s an impossible task that will no doubt turn you off of writing forever. Also: don’t be afraid to have fun! Writing something weird just because you want to. There’s no such thing as the correct way to write.

What’s your vision for Yellow Arrow in 2023?

I think that with Yellow Arrow’s missions, publications, workshops, and other programs, there’s so many opportunities to inspire women-identifying authors and give them the confidence they need to nurture the passion they have for writing.


Beck, we are so excited to continue to work with you this year. Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.