Show Us Your Spark: Chapbook Submissions Open at Yellow Arrow Publishing


At Yellow Arrow Publishing, we believe every woman has a story to tell and every story is worth telling. And with that sentiment, we are excited to reopen submissions for chapbooks to be published in 2024. From May 29 to June 30, Yellow Arrow will accept submissions of poetry chapbooks and, *new* this year, creative nonfiction chapbooks by authors who identify as women from around the world. Given this and changes to the process this year, we wanted to provide some details here. We can’t wait to see what you send to us.

Chapbook submissions may be poetry, creative nonfiction (e.g., personal narratives, essays, reflections, flash prose, and micro memoirs), or hybrid, no more than 50 pages long and written by authors who identify as women. In general, creative nonfiction should be between 15,000 and 25,000 words total (there is no minimum or maximum number of pieces to include, use your discretion) and poetry between 20 and 50 poems; hybrid can be any combination.

This year, we have also added a sliding scale fee to chapbook submissions. We aim to ensure that the journey to publication is accessible to all writers, but also want to have the ability to support and promote our authors throughout the year. When we publish an author, that writer becomes a member of the Yellow Arrow community, and we do all we can to promote their voice, share their story, and nurture their creative journey to publication.

$0: Reserved for BIWOC authors (by checking this box, you acknowledge that you are a BIWOC author and will not attach a receipt)

$5: Reserved for those experiencing financial hardship (financial hardship means this is what you can afford right now, no questions asked)

$10: Standard submission fee

As a small, independent press, our ability to compensate authors has been limited in the past, but with the addition of a small fee, we anticipate being able to provide our authors with a monetary incentive to go along with the editorial and promotional support we have always offered.

Finally, as our volume of submissions has grown over the past few years, we have decided to accept submissions through a Google form (here) rather than email. The form is simple with required and optional questions, including name, bio/personal introduction, and demographics. You will be asked to upload your submission as an attachment to the form along with your fee receipt (if required). By sending your completed submission you agree to the following statements:

  • You are a writer who identifies as a woman

  • You have read and submitted within the guidelines

Our writers and readers come from all walks of life and so do we. We are taking steps across our portfolio to increase representation and give greater visibility to the voices of underrepresented women-identifying storytellers and take much into consideration when creating our procedures and guidelines. When we review submissions we look for writing that tells your story. We love pieces that feel authentic, that give us a window into who a writer is and what has shaped them, and that connect us to them.

You can find our guidelines and some FAQs at along with the YAP Chapbook Submissions form. We can’t wait to see how your piece sparks our inspiration along with yours. If you have any questions, please contact us at


Yellow Arrow Publishing is a nonprofit supporting women writers through publication and access to the literary arts. You can support us as we SPARK and sparkle this year: purchase one of our publications from the Yellow Arrow bookstore, join our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Donations are appreciated via PayPal (, Venmo (@yellowarrowpublishing), or US mail (PO Box 65185, Baltimore, Maryland 21209). More than anything, messages of support through any one of our channels are greatly appreciated.