
Elyse Welles

It’s fickle.

Like smoke through a sieve,

it sifts and sorts


for perfection unnamed.

And in submitting,

success is sought,

and the gavel is brought down

by words

by an entity

by Spirit

by energy

untouchable, unformed.

Undefined, it rules our thoughts and minds.

Wisping below and within us

it is always,


the unseen cloud of confusion,

the electric current of decision.

It taps us on our shoulder

zaps us in our dreams and waking thoughts

it asks us,

“does this fit?”

Fit what? It’s baseless needs and wants.

We are beholden,

(we call it free will)

unspoken, our needs are written for us

by the zeitgeist.


About the author

Selected by Free Verse Revolution as a “Best Poet of 2022,” Elyse Welles is a writer, witch, and wanderer. She shares her time between Greece’s ancient temples, the woods of Pennsylvania, and wherever Spirit leads her next. Her poetry has been published in Yellow Arrow Journal, Myth & Lore, and Gypsophila Magazine, among others. She is a regular columnist for several witchy magazines including The Wild Hunt and Witch Way Magazine. Her debut novel is forthcoming from Running Wild Press. She cohosts the Magick Kitchen Podcast and teaches workshops online. Learn more at seekingnumina.com or her Facebook and Instagram @seekingnumina.