
Get to know our authors, the foundation and heart of Yellow Arrow Journal, and what writing means to them through our monthly series.

.W.o.W. #34

Patricia Wright

What is a book you wish someone would write? Describe an early experience where you learned that language has power.

I wish someone would write a children’s book about the power of language on the mind, heart, and soul, both spoken and unspoken.

I realized that language had power around six years ago when many repressed thoughts, feelings, and emotions began surfacing involuntarily. The most potent word spell I had to break was my mother telling me repeatedly, “You’re not going to amount to anything.” Those words seeped so far into my soul that it was chilling to see that I had created my entire life thus far based on that notion. Furthermore, some years later, after that rude awakening, I understood that I had never envisioned a life for myself that wasn’t based entirely on the vision of others. Now, I am in the process of rewriting that script. It isn’t easy, but it sure has been worth it so far.

How did you first publish your writing and what was it?

I submitted my poem “Nature’s Fingerprint” to Yellow Arrow. I felt the word ANFRACTUOUS spoke to me personally and couldn’t resist creating word music (my take on what poetry is) with it. It is my first published piece.

What does your inner writing voice tell you?

The inner voice can be so hard to discern from all the other voices that have blanketed me over the years. However, of late, I seem to have a lot to say, and it is through arduous soul-searching I’ve discovered that this is the time for me to share my story. My journey thus far is not for the faint of heart, but I know that there is someone out there who desperately needs to hear it. And, hopefully, read it, as I’m slowly but surely writing a teaching memoir to fulfill this destiny.

Patricia is a Canadian of Jamaican descent and is a dedicated and passionate mental health writer and advocate. She has recently entered the world of infopreneur, offering eBooks, workbooks, and online courses based on healing and recovering from mental, emotional, and spiritual health challenges.

In fact, Patricia just finished writing an e-workbook called Tame Your Fear & Live Your Best Life: How To Overcome Fear in 4-Steps, which will be published on June 1, 2022 (on Amazon). She also has a work-in-progress called The Found: Mindful Reflections for Soulful Connection, an oracle affirmation book to be published by December 2022 as well as a poetry chapbook scheduled for 2023.

You can find Patricia at wellspringoutreach.com and on Instagram @wellspringoutreach. Her poem “Nature’s Fingerprint” was published in Yellow Arrow Journal’s Vol. VI, No. 2 issue on ANFRACTUOUS. She also took part in “An Exploration of Belonging: The Anfractuous Reading.” Find her part below. The full reading is available on the Yellow Arrow YouTube channel.